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Tintumon Jokes in English – Best Tintumon super jokes, Messages

Tintumon is a cartoon character in Malayalam magazine in Kerala. Tintumon was created and spread like a viral phenomenon through SMS messages and videos in Kerala. Here is the best collection of Tintumon jokes in English funny Tintumon comedy, status, and answers, quotes, Trolls, Stories, Tintu Mon WhatsApp jokes, funny Mallu Jokes in English to make you laugh.
Tintumon Jokes in English - Best Tintumon super jokes, Messages

Tintumon Jokes in English

Tintu got a promotion from clerk to a manager-
He went home & told his wife in a new style “You will sleep with Manager today”

The wife fell unconscious !!

Tintumon’s wife was kidnapped
The kidnapper sent a piece of her finger to Tintumon demanded money.
Tintumon replied: I want more proof!

Tintu mon’s new invention:
Rama killed Raavan (R-R);
Krishna killed Kamsa. (K-K);
Godse killed Gandhiji (G-G);
Jews killed Jesus (J-J);
That’s why Osama killed by Obama..!

Tintumon was asked to write a signboard for the traffic near the school.

He wrote:

Drive carefully!! Don’t kill the students, wait for the teachers.!!

Teacher Tintumon jokes Collection

Teacher:- Which tense is this
“corruption stopped in India..!”
Tintu: “Future Impossible Tense..!”

Teacher: Now Tintumon, Tell me frankly.
“Do you pray before eating?”

Tintumon: No sir, My Mom is a Good Cook.!!!

Teacher: Tell Any Microsoft Product Name?
Tom : MS Excel

Deepu: MS Word

Rony: MS PowerPoint

Tintu: After Thinking a Lot-

MS Dhoni..!!

Tintumon: Can I go to the toilet?

English Teacher: Tintumon, May I go to the toilet?

Tintumon: But I asked first!

Teacher: ‘When was Rome built?’

Tintu: ‘At night, sir.’

Teacher: ‘Who told you that?’

Tintu: “You did, sir. You just said that Rome was not built in a day.”

Teacher: “Can anybody give an example of “COINCIDENCE?”

Tintu: “Sir, my Mother, and Father got married on the same day, same time.”

Tintumon: I was feeling so sleepy this morning that I tossed a coin to decide whether I should attend class or go back to bed.

Dundumol: So, what did you finally do?

Tintumon: I had to toss 10 times before I could finally go back to bed.

Teacher to Tintumon -which is ur favorite dish?

Tintu- Tata Sky!!

Teacher: Tell ohms law
Tintu Mon: Sir, I don’t know full, I know only the last part of it.
Teacher: Ok, tell that only.
Tintu mon: “This is called ohms law”!!!

Teacher in history class: What is common between Krishna, Ram, Gandhiji, and Jesus?
Tintumon: All are born on government holidays!

<h3>Funny Tintumon comedy in English</h3>
Tintu’s First Interview – Interviewer:

“Tell me opposite words… COOL”

Tintu: “Hot”

Int: Girl

Tintu: “Boy”

Int: ” India ”

Tintu: ” Pakistan ”

Int: “Good Keep it up”

Tintu: “Bad Put it down”

Int: “Stop It”

Tintu: “Start that”

Int: “Idiot Get Out”

Tintu: “Clever Come in”

Int: “Oh my God”

Tintu: “Oh your devil”

Int: “I rejected You”

Tintu: “You appointed Me”.

Tintumon had a crow…
He touched it &amp; it was very soft…
Tintu decided to name it…

Guess what TINTU named it?


Letter By Tintumon to Education Board

Dear BOARD Of Education,
I’m Also Bored Of Education…

New Tintumon Dundumol Jokes

Dundumol: Why did you sleep with a scale?
Tintumon: Because I want to measure how long I have slept.. !!

Tintumon on road! A stranger comes and asks,

“hey, how many miles 2 sabarimala.?”

tintu: there are no miles in Sabarimala,

some simhams and pulees..only!!

Tintumon is following Pinkymol…
Dundumol-: Don’t follow me. My Mother is coming behind you.
Tintumon-: Don’t worry. My Father is following her!!

Tintu Mon: Dad, there is a small PTA meeting at school 2mrw…

Dad: What do u mean by “small” PTA meeting?

Tintu Mon: Ya, just u, me &amp; d Principal.!

Tintu mon got an SMS from Dundumol:- “I Miss you”

Tintu replied……..

“I Mr. YOU!”

Tintumon in IIT Exam hall.
Sin x = 6n
Tin2 canceled ‘n’ from both sides.

six = 6

Then wrote

“Hoped some standard questions.
Is this IIT ? !”

Tintumon asked 1 Intelligent Question to the Teacher

and Teacher Shocked !!

Tintu:Q – BLACK Is A Color, WHITE Is a Color

But BLACK &amp; WHITE TV Is Not COLOR TV. Why?

Tintumon after being beaten up by his mom was frustrated n was sitting out
Dad came and asked him, what happened my son?
Tintumon: Dad I can not adjust with ur wife anymore I want my own wife.

One day Tintu saw a dream that someone killed him.

The next day he closed the ICICI bank account


ICICI says- We make your dreams come true!

On a romantic day, Tintu’s girlfriend asks him,
“Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring”.
Tintu mon:” Ya molu sure, from landline or mobile ”

An English man and Tintumon met while going to the toilet.

English man: good morning, how do u do?

Tintumon: usually we remove underwear and then do, And how do u do?

<h3>Tintumon WhatsApp jokes</h3>
Technology has its limitations. Google may be the most powerful search engine but it can’t search my chappal I lost in the temple on Monday: Tintumon

I am Deleting Ur No. From My Phone

Bcoz I Always Send U Msgs But U Never Replied.

So, Good Bye!

(Tintumon Send This Message To Customer Care.)

An English man and Tintumon met while going to the toilet.

English man: good morning, how do u do?

Tintumon: usually we remove underwear and then do, And how do u do?

Tintu participating 100mtr race
Ref:ready 1 2 3 start
Tintu stood there
Ref asked: Y ur not running?
Tintu: U said only 1 2 3 to start. I am in 4 tracks!!

Yo-Yo Unni Yo Yo vavo…
Dude gonna rok u babe
Yo o vava,
hey rok u ponnuni,

This is..

“Remix of Unni vavavo”
DJ Tintumon

Tintu: my dog brings a newspaper daily every morning

Dundu: well, lots of dogs can do that

Tintu: but I had never subscribed to a newspaper!